English exercises
You can describe possession in English using adjectives & pronouns. Here are some details to help you understand how to use each and what the difference is.
The Past Simple tense is used to refer to actions that were completed in a time period before the present time. Find out more about how to use this tense.
Do you know what the past participle is and what it is used for? Read on to find out more.
Do you want to improve your level of communication? Read on to find out more about the four conditionals and how to use them.
There are several different ways to talk about the future in English, and one of the most common is ‘Be going to’. Read more and practice it now.
Of all the English verbs, the most important two are ‘to be’ and ‘to have’. Learn how to use them in this article.
Read our tips on everything you need to know on English Verb Tenses and start learning now!
A really useful thing to learn in any language is how to say the days of the week and dates. Find out more here.
The second conditional is used to express the consequence of a situation in the present or future. Read on to find out more.
What is the zero conditional and when is it used? Read on to find out!
Have you heard people talk about the present participle and not been sure what they meant? Find out more here.
What are Quantifiers and how to apply them correctly? Find out more here.
The present perfect is a tense that links the past to the present and we never use a finished time with it. Read on to find out more.
The Past Perfect tense enables you to compare different times and actions in the past.
When you learn phrasal verbs, it’s very helpful to know if they are transitive or intransitive. What do these words mean? Read on to find out more.
If you’ve already studied the present perfect form, you’re probably wondering how there can be a future perfect tense. Well, read on to find out!
The third conditional is used to express the past consequence of an unrealistic action or situation in the past. When and how do we use it? Read on to find out.
The past continuous is one of main tenses used to describe situations in the past in English. What is the difference between Past Simple and Past Continuous? Read on to find out!
The first conditional is one of four types of hypothetical sentence in English. In which situations can we use it and why? Find out here.
The Saxon Genitive is one of the main forms we use to express possession in English. Read more to find out how to use it.
The present perfect is a tense that usually describes something about the past that has a connection with the present. Read on to find out more.
What do the words ‘ever, never, already, and yet’ mean and how can you use them with the present perfect? Read on to find out.
The passive form is a very useful structure in English. Read more to find out what it means and how to use it in your everyday English.
‘Get’ is an extremely versatile verb. Where and how to use it correctly as a native speaker? Read on to find out.
When we give a time reference there are various words we use such as at, on, in, and also for and since. Read on to find out when to use each one of them.
Do you know the difference between Past Simple and the Past Continuous or Past Simple and the Past Perfect? Read on to find out when to use each of them.
Articles are small but important words that precede nouns, and by using them correctly you will distinguish yourself as a good English speaker. Read more about definite and indefinite articles including when to use them or not.
One of the most common things we do in our everyday language is to compare things. How do we make comparatives and superlatives in English? Learn more here.
A guide about all of time adverbs so you can start to use them more easily when you speak and write.
When you compare one thing to many others in order to express an extreme, we use superlatives. Do you want to learn more? Read on!
Connectors can enrich your conversational English. So what connectors are there and how do we use them?
‘Will’ and ‘shall’ can be easy to confuse. So what is the difference and when should you use them? Read on to find out.
Do you know that ‘used to’ can have two very different meanings? Read on to find out what these are and how to use them.
The Simple Present is the most basic and fundamental verb tense you need to learn in English. It is the tense that enables us to give basic information about ourselves, express desires and share opinions. Here is a detailed look at how to form the Simple Present and when to use it, with lots of examples.
Question words are words we put at the start of a question to ask for particular information. Want to know more? Read on here!
There are nine main forms of punctuation that we use frequently when we write. What are they, and how are they used in English? Let’s see!
A pronoun is a word that substitutes a noun. We use pronouns when the listener/reader knows who or what we’re referring to. Learn more here!
The first verb tenses an English student learns are the present simple and the present continuous. Here is a guide on how to create and use both tenses.
You have already learnt how to use Present Perfect Simple form. So what is the present perfect continuous and how does it differ to the simple form? Read on to find out more.
A prepositional verb is a verb that is followed by a preposition. Do you want to know more? Read on to find out.
A phrasal verb is a verb that has two or sometimes three words. What are they, and how can you learn them? Read on to find out more.
In English there are various ways to describe rules and obligations. Here is a description of how to express obligation and how and when to use modal verbs.
The past perfect simple is used to refer to something more in the past than another action or situation. Read on to find out more!
A modal verb is a verb that is used in combination with a normal verb. In English they are useful when making predictions and asking permission. Read on to find out more!
Modal verbs are a fundamental part of English because they express obligations, abilities, probabilities, suggestions. Read more how to use correctly each of modal verbs.
What are irregular plural nouns, and how can you remember them? Find out more here!
We can use adverbs in many ways, from describing how often we do something to where we do it. What about adverbs of manner? What are they for and how do we use them? Read on to find out more!
What are the very important words in English we all need to know and why are they so useful? Read on to find out!
The most common way of comparing is to use comparative adjectives that express a superior difference. Learn more about comparatives here!
What are the adverbs of place and how do you use them in a sentence? Read on to find out with this useful article about learning English.
In order to describe what people said there are two different types of speech – direct speech and indirect (or reported) speech. Read on to find out more about these forms and improve your storytelling skills.
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